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It doesn’t have to be so difficult. Are you feeling flat, frustrated and just plain fed up with not seeing fat loss results?

Now imagine how it might feel to look damn hot, have bags of energy and reach your body shape goals by getting stronger day week after week in the gym. All without sacrificing the foods you love and spending hours (you don’t have) in the gym each week- yes it can be done!

This article is for REAL men/ women who are busy, driven individuals yet have struggled to prioritise their own health, fitness and ultimately how they look and feel for years.

If you’re fed up with the current ‘dieting’ options out there, frustrated with not being able to hold onto any results and have actually ended up in a worse position than when you started then this is a must-read for you.

In the following words, we’ll reveal the THREE things you can do today to drop fat, change your shape and feel amazing all whilst not dieting to the extreme or giving up your life to the gym!



  • Am I miserable with my body at the moment?

  • Do I feel less attractive as the years go on?

  • Do I feel frumpy, under confident and even ugly?

  • Am I worried that my partner no longer finds me attractive and that my kids won’t want to hang around with me?

  • Would I love to lose weight so friends would be the good kinda jealous and ask what I did to manage it?

If you answered “yes” to any one of the above, then please keep reading.

I know that right now, having a body you can be proud of, with shape, definition and heck even a flat stomach probably seems unrealistic.

And that’s normal.

But I assure you, in this article you’ll learn the 3 tricks that anyone aged between 25 to 40 needs to know to get a strong, toned physique without hating the process.

And without giving up ANY of your favourite foods (important!).

Yes – crisps, chocolate and bread are all on the menu. Even wine can be a part of your weight loss diet.

Read on to learn more.

- Let me guess - Diets Don’t Work for You -

You probably tell yourself that you’re one of those people that are doomed to just never see results.
And that might be true, for these reasons…

Throughout our combined decades of experience in the health and fitness industry we’ve seen first hand:

Clients who try every single diet out there, only to never achieve a body they love or the figure that all their hard work deserves.

We feel your pain (and that is why we do what we do!).

Quite frankly, it SUCKS when you put so much effort into sticking to your low-carb, low-calorie, clean eating detox diet, when you only lose a pound or two, and then pile all the weight back on [and often more] as soon as you go back to eating normally.

For some lucky [read: annoying] people out there, it seems changing their body is a breeze.

They don’t even need to diet – they seem to get into amazing shape through willpower alone.

But there are people out there, especially those in the 25-40 age range, for whom traditional dieting methods simply don’t work.

It doesn’t matter how often you go to the gym …

Which skinny coffee club you buy into …

How low you seem to cut your calories …

Or how clean you try and eat …

Nothing seems to work.

Worse still, you feel so restricted on a diet that it has a huge impact on your social life.

You can’t go out to eat with friends, have a drink with your partner, or celebrate birthdays, Christmas or go to barbecues without the fear of gaining back all that unwanted body fat.

So what are you to do?

Just give up forever and accept a life of being overweight, unhappy and hating how you look?

It’s incredibly sad, but we’ve worked with many people who had resigned themselves to this.

All we wish was that they had the three tips I’m about to share with you that can finally help you lose that stubborn body fat, drop pounds, and get your dream body.

Are you guilty
of any of the following …

  • Putting off workouts because you’re just not feeling them.

  • Saying ‘fuck it’ too often and sabotaging your efforts

  • Trying to change too much too soon and yo-yoing like a boss

  • Fearing the scales, avoiding the mirror and hating any pictures you’re in

  • Giving in to hyped up diets and trendy health fads

  • Being confused on where to even start

  • Listening to social media morons and getting stuck even further

If so, don’t worry.

All these are incredibly common with people our age trying to change for the better, but none of them are the correct way to go about dropping fat or building your desired hot bod.

The usual approach is to over restrict calories and our favourite foods and commit to too many workouts.

Then when we inevitably stray off path or miss even 1 workout we assume we’ve failed and chalk it up to another attempt that just didn’t work.

Or maybe we even consider starting again the following week- the diet starts on Monday, right?!

In fact, this is linked to one of the 3 tips I’ll reveal very shortly.

Another is assuming you need to kill yourself in every workout in order to see progress.

Having to crawl out of the gym in a sweaty mess otherwise it’s a wasted session.

Whereas this can be a fun challenge initially, it gets old pretty quick and the thought of having to work yourself into the ground after a busy day at work is enough to put anyone off once the initial motivation wears off.

This then leads us again to …

  • Feelings of inadequacy.

  • Self sabotage.

  • Emotional eating and drinking to console yourself, effectively taking you further away from where you want to be.

Now, this isn’t your fault, The fitness/ diet industry has been lying to you. But we want to fix that. And we do fix that. Keep reading to discover …

3 GUARANTEED tips to help ANYONE lose stubborn body fat and build their desired shape without giving up their favourite foods or hours (they don’t have) to the gym…
odds are you’ve never seen an approach like ours before.

Our methods might seem crazy and by some peoples standards, unrealistic. But we promise you, they’re backed by science.

It’s just that they don’t hit the mainstream because you can’t sensationalise them to sell a product (like many fitness brands/ supplements do) and as they’re not designed to make you part with any cash.

They can all be done completely FREE.

**Plus you can start them as soon as you finish reading this article.**

Tip #1

Give yourself a calorie “budget” spread out across the week.

- Like to eat more on the weekends? No problem- borrow some calories from your weekdays to allow yourself a few extra to spend with your pals or in front of the TV.
- Prefer to spread them out equally across each day of the week - you got it.

Here’s an easy way to do this:

First, find your BMR (how many calories you burn per day if you were to do nothing at all).

For females, multiply your bodyweight in KG x 22.

Males, multiply x 24.

Then estimate your physical activity level (PAL) on top of this, ranging from:

Inactive- 1.2

Moderately active- 1.3

Fairly active (exercising a few days per week)- 1.4

Active- 1.5

Heavy exercise (athlete)- 1.7

Then multiply your BMR by your PAL.

For example - I (a male) weigh 77kg, and I’d assume myself as an active fella making my formula look like this:

77kg X 24 = 1,848 X 1.5 = 2,772 calories.

This means to sustain my weight at my current activity levels I’d need to eat 2,772 calories (on average) per day.

Therefore, in order to drop some weight/ fat I’d need to be in a calorie deficit, spread across the week. We typically suggest no more than a 20% drop in calories initially (in this case that would equate to dropping approx 554 cals per day) meaning my weekly calorie “budget” would be 15,526 (2,218 x 7 days in the week).

I could break them up and “spend” them however I want, whilst still seeing epic results,

Are you still with me?

The way this works is by stopping the “Oh I accidentally messed up and fell face-first on that cake and inhaled it so I must keep eating for the rest of the week because that makes loads of sense” type thinking. You go over one day, no worries- reign in back in the next.

As long as your calories average out over the week- you’re golden.

Tip #2

Utilise the ‘Something is better than nothing’ principle.

As discussed above a lot of people get hung up on thinking they have to absolutely beast themselves to within an inch of their life and/ or hate their training in order to see results.

Typically, this makes the thought of working out (especially before or after a hard day’s work) about as appealing as a power flick to the back of your arm on a cold winters morning.

Instead, use the “next best thing” approach:

Yes, training hard is a good thing and necessary (appropriately). But do you know what’s more important? Consistency. And moving your body at a low-intensity multiple times per month trumps that one hard gym session after you’d had too many coffees and got excited that one Saturday morning.

Not feeling your hour-long sweat-fest in the gym? Go for a 45 min jog instead.

That not doing it for you? How about a 30-minute bike ride?

Still too much? Stick some music in your ears and walk around the block.

Something is better than nothing.

Chances are the fact that you’re honouring your movement commitments to yourself and building momentum no matter how short or intense the exercise will keep you in the game.

Ask yourself- “What’s the next best thing?”.

 You won’t regret it.

Tip #3

Lift heavy stuff.


This is about the closest you’ll ever get to the fountain of youth. Not only will you enjoy seeing the weights increase on the bar/ machine/ whatever object you’re hoisting at the time (everything works). You’ll also love the way it makes you feel and how it changes your shape.

(Plus it’s a nice way to see progress that isn’t the scales).

If you’re wanting to look defined, tone your body, impress your friends and/ or help lift cars off strangers that are stuck just like in the movies- getting stronger is for you.

It’s fun as hell too.

Once I started using these simple, but massively overlooked principles with my own clients, the results were staggering.

What you have here is 80% of what you need to know. I guarantee that if you start using these 3 tips right this very minute, you’ll see visible changes in your body within 1 to 2 weeks.

Thing is, there’s more.

I’m not saying you need this extra. Unless that is, of course, you want to achieve your dream body faster, easier and without the stress of potentially making physique-killing mistakes.

We’ve spent thousands of pounds learning how to build shape and lose stubborn fat as fast as humanly possible, whilst not sacrificing your favourite foods or spending hours you don’t have in the gym every day.

We’ve invested in coaching and training to ensure we get clients results that last (most importantly).

As I said, you can try everything yourself, and maybe get there, maybe not, or you can keep reading to see if you’re a good fit for what I’m offering

Introducing our
REAL Online 1-2-1 Coaching

The #1 way to …

  • Drop 10 pounds of body fat in 6 weeks without any fad diets.

  • Add shape and definition to your whole body without having to do workouts that you hate.

  • Get stronger every week you’re in the gym and love the process of seeing progress

  • Finally, look in the mirror and be proud of your results.

Now, before I reveal just how you can gain exclusive access to our Online Coaching service, let me be clear:

This is NOT for everyone.

I’ve had people apply before who haven’t been serious. They’ve not truly wanted to do what it takes to achieve their strength and body shape goals. And that’s okay because not everyone is ready to commit to finally making a change and grasping hold of their dream body (it’s not easy).

My guess though, is if you’re reading this, YOU ARE.

So let me tell you what’s involved with our 1-2-1 Online Coaching.

  • A completely tailor-made training programme built around your wants, needs and lifestyle so there is no confusion about what you need to do to see results.

  • Personalised nutrition coaching based on your preferences so you can enjoy your food with zero guilt and still see look hot as hell!

  • Round the clock support so you have the motivation/ guidance/ advice in your pocket whenever you need it.

  • Access to our app with an exercise library and where you can track progress each week (important).

  • Weekly check-ins for accountability so you get the kick up the buttocks you need even when you’re just not feeling it.

  • A small and private Facebook group with access to our coaches and nutritionists to give you world-class advice, daily.

  • Self-care challenges to ensure you’re putting yourself at the top of the tree and prioritising every aspect of your mental and physical health.

  • More than you could ever possibly need to get the experience, support and encouragement you need to blast through the goals you never thought possible.

I know that sounds a little cheesy, but you know what?! We stand behind what we say. We’re very proud of what we do and have seen first-hand the impact we have on peoples lives when they achieve what they didn’t initially think they could.

The question on your lips …
How much does it all cost?

Let me answer that:

The full value of what I’m offering is a lot less than you’d think.

A bespoke workout program – an hour every couple of weeks to build and regularly tweak.

24/7 Whatsapp and Facebook support – kinda speaks for itself.

Full nutrition coaching and weekly check-ins - 30 mins per week (at least).

Full access to our app and exercise library - £40 per month
Ongoing assistance, specialized and exclusive content and challenges to keep you on your toes, engaged and enjoying the process - multiple hours per week.

Access to multiple coaches and nutritionists with decades of experience - priceless.

Put simply, we work hard every single week to ensure you get the results you deserve.
If you were to hire your typical ‘hourly rate’ Personal Trainer, I shudder to think what they’d charge
- possibly somewhere close to £700 per month.

But through this page ONLY,
you can gain access to our 1-2-1 Online Coaching to help you look, feel and perform exactly as you want
for less than a quarter of that.

Still on the fence? Think of it like this:

How much do you pay for coffee every day? How about your monthly TV subscription? Meals out? Junk food?

I’m not saying for one minute that you have to give up any of these, and in fact, I’d encourage you to keep living your life whilst sculpting your dream body.

But what I would say is for most people, all those home comforts above actually make them more miserable and out of shape and end up costing much, much more than our 1-2-1 Online Coaching.

For less than the cost of your daily flat white and accompanying almond Croissant you can have:

  • Monthly recipe packs so you’re always prepared and never have to wing it in the kitchen again.

  • A group of people on their own journey completely behind you and wanting you to succeed as much as you do (this is really important).

  • A team of professionals to guide you at every step of the way.

  • No-nonsense advice to stop the confusion and frustration you usually get from the fitness industry (That’s why we’re called REAL).

  • A dedicated programme to ensure you’re doing the most efficient and effective workouts for what you want.

  • Daily group workouts to keep things varied and fun.

  • Weekly FREE online yoga classes with our resident yogi to soothe your body and mind.

  • Mobility challenges and library.

  • Years worth of evidence-based nutrition resources at the tip of your fingers.

  • Whatever you could ever possibly need to succeed.

When you click the button below, you’ll immediately be taking a step towards building your perfect body, and not just that- feeling incredible.

Just picture it

You’ll look in the mirror and flex, not flinch.

Friends will ask how you managed it as they wolf whistle as soon as you walk in the room.

Your partner won’t be able to take their hands off you.

You’ll inspire your kids and give them a challenge when it comes to keeping up with you.

And most importantly, you’ll finally feel confident in your own skin and have a body you love.

What’s more, you can do all of this on your terms, without having to ban your favourite foods, and with less than 3 hours training per week.

Here’s what happens as soon as you take action and invest in your health and happiness today:

We’ll book in our call to delve deep into your inspired goals and what your journey will look like.

We’ll get you set up with your personal welcome pack detailing everything you can expect over the coming months.

We’ll get to work on building your training and nutrition around you.

We’ll introduce you to our private group and get you set up on our app.

We’ll make sure you have everything you need from the word go so you feel confident and reassured that what you’re doing will get you to where you want to be.

What’s stopping you?

Think about it –

Are you 100% happy with how you look and feel at the moment?

Do you like carrying around those extra pounds?

And is yoyo dieting something you want to be doing for the next 5, 10 or 20 years?

If not, you know what to do.

With our ‘cancel any time’ guarantee, it’s completely risk-free too.

In the incredibly unlikely situation that you’re not completely happy, we’ll instantly stop your coaching journey with us whilst also making sure you’re left in the dark with what you need to do next, that’s how confident we are that you’ll see results (and how much we care about your future fitness).

What’s it to be?

Invest now and start seeing immediate results, or go back to the confusion around dieting, hating (and not doing) your workouts, seeing everyone else around you get results whilst getting increasingly frustrated, buying expensive supplements, and seeing no results only to come back here in 2 months time more miserable, more depressed and 5 to 10 pounds heavier?

The choice is yours …