

“I can honestly say you’ve changed my entire mindset about not only exercise but the way I view my diet and my weight in general. You’re strong and supportive and quick to pick you up and help you get back on track when you and your enthusiasm is wavering. Couldn’t recommend more highly.”

- Louise



“7 weeks ago, my life changed. I’ve lost weight, lost inches and above all feel truly amazing!”

- Tammy

Ps. True story - Due do low levels of self-confidence, Tammy hadn’t been in a swimming pool for 28 years! We were able to change that and Tammy sent me a message when she was in the pool on holiday. It was possibly my favourite ever message to get.

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“I couldn’t have done this without you, mate.”

- Ant

Ant went from travelling a lot for work and feeling flat about his fitness and physique, to building a consistent plan into his busy work schedule and busting out pull-ups for fun.